Free speech. We have taken it for granted, as a given, as something we assume will always be with us. We all hold it dear to our hearts—or so we believe. For there exist a very vocal, very stupid, and very few people who are offended and outraged by the concept of free speech itself.
Unfortunately, a good share (if not most) of our deluded bureaucrats have their collective blinkers on, and, for the life of them, cannot and do not realise the importance of free speech.
One of these deluded bureaucrats, Phil Goff, though soon-to-be Dictator Goff, believes that not all free speech should be free as we've seen with his appalling actions with regards to right-wing Canadian duo, Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux.
Above: Dictator Goff of Auckland
Indeed, everybody who cherishes the ability to criticise our leaders should be alarmed. We should be marching in the thousands for Dictator Goff's resignation—but we aren't. We raise our fists in anger at the television; perhaps we put Dictator Goff in the bad books for a week or two; some people do nothing at all.
If we cherish free speech so much, we must take action: short-term outrage will not work. If we want free speech to survive, we must unite, we must rise, and we must protest.
Down with Dictator Goff. Down with those who suppress free speech.